I started to write that as the post title and I wondered where it had originated. I assumed England, shortly after the introduction of railway travel.But I thought I’d asked that font of knowledge. Yes, that one, up there in the ether. And I find it owes much to American politics.

Actually, I’ve had a gutful of politics from all quarters, but can’t be bothered changing the title completely. Here’s what I gleaned from my dip into the font :

So, it’s a whistle-stop in that I’m just stopping long enough to post something. Mainly because Jane, over at Small But Charming, is holding  another ” flowers in the house ” as a tribute and a gesture of empathy for Bostonians.

I just happened to have some flowers in a vase as part of an observation. I’ve posted elsewhere about the Hibiscus mutabilis, whose blooms change throughout the day from white to pink. I’ve never used them as cut flowers, but on Friday I picked a fresh bloom and brought it indoors to see what it would do. I took pictures over a 12 hour period, beginning at about 7am. No, of course it’s not a precise scientific record!


11am Friday

2pm Friday

4pm friday

after 6pm Friday

It does exactly as it does when on the tree!What I did learn, however, is that unfurled buds do not open in a vase. So, as it’s a multiflora type thing there will be no more indoors. Why sacrifice 5 or 6 buds? I have more flower pictures on Flickr as most blooms wilt too quickly indoors. And I really prefer to leave them in the garden for birds and insects.  and, for anyone confused by its common names, Rose of Sharon and Confederate Ros,here’s a link to the other Rose of Sharon!


  1. Oh, no! Not John Winston for GG! That is a scary prospect. Absolutely over pollies and I’m sure next year it will all be worse.

    Back to H. mutabilis. Love it. Love the white and the pink, and I want one in my garden.


    • Welcome, and thank you, Jen. Yes, it is a tough thing; grows so easily from cuttings I have far more than I need in a small yard!And the best view? Of my neighbour’s tree!


  2. Years ago in California, we used to gather pale pink hibiscus from a neighbor’s yard and throw them in the bay to float around us as we swam among them, imagining we were in Tahiti. They never last as cut flowers. Our New England Rose of Sharon is a relative. Each bloom lasts one day.


    • Welcome, Shelley. Ah! The common name confusion! As a child, I knew Rose of Sharon as the name given to the (bright yellow!) Hypericum. And the flowers I’ve posted are also called Confederate Roses, especially in South East USA. I’ve added a Wiki link in the post.


  3. Hibiscus are something I’ve walked past all my life without appreciating until a couple of years ago when I suddenly noticed how gorgeous and luxurious the blooms are, especially when a number of them are planted together. I’m wondering whether this is one of the alleged “seven signs of aging”!!


    • NOOOOO!! Not getting older, just more aware. Well, that’s my philosophy! 🙂 Some of them are lovely, although these are the only ones I chose to have in this small garden.


  4. Will take a ‘whistle stop’ from you — and have been stuck ‘whistle stopping’ around the ether at my favorite blogs these days. Pesky day job, and all of the play time, is really getting in the way of my internet addiction! LOVE the photos, but appreciate the need to leave them in the wild….


    • I don’t know how you find the time to do all your “stuff.” I’ve had to trim some of my webbery things, but I still seem to have much to do. Beats watching “Lucy” re-runs 27/7 😉


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