…maundering in in-action might be closer to the mark. Three months is almost “death” in Blogland.

Oh well, here I am again. And I’m going to kick off with…the weather! Winter here so that means, mostly, blue skies and bright sunny days. The sort of weather that encourages strenuous outdoor work. Garden beds can be weeded, dug-over, mulched.Plants can be pruned, moved, re-potted.

And then the sun dips below the horizon and we don extra layers and waddle about looking like the Michelin Man. And I can tell you that, Chez Dinahmow, the Michelin look lasts from sunset to mid-morning.

But it is nice to see the BARE pergola, just waiting for something new and less rampant than wisteria and petrea… 001.JPGI’m tempted to try another climbing rose, but then my memory gives me a sharp dig in the ribs, telling me not to be such a silly fool.

In the meantime, I seem to be having some small success with orchids. 001.JPG

These Phalaenopsis sit on my keyboard (not this one, the musical one), but I move them outside for more sunlight when they start to flower. I move lunches out there, too, in sunny weather. Of course, there can be stiff competition for a seat…002.JPG

The Man, who is no longer working full-time, has not had much go-to-work work lately, but he has been busy here!Oh yes…de-rusting and re-painting various bits around the house. And he cleared all of the tangled mess atop the pergola. And replaced the old TV aerial which was all a-dangle after the cyclone modified it. Ooh, it’s all go here, innit!

I’m off to see about some breakfast, but before I do, here’s a link to a Canberra friend’s blog. Yet another reason to visit  that city!




25 thoughts on “NOT MISSING IN ACTION…

  1. I love the sunny days at this season, but more than a few joints object strongly at get-out-of-bed time.And as for sliding through icy slush to get to work -nope! never again.:-)


  2. I think of the climbing roses we had in France with great fondness….Rambling Rector, an apricot Kiftsgate…and then think of their ability to spear through the thickest gardening gloves – only welding gloves withstood them – and their furious attempts at total world domination….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, the only time i wear gloves is for the pruning of the pricklies and for the massive ramblers I had to tackle at the winery I wore the long, welder gauntlets. The added problem here would be the difficulty of dealing with them on top of the pergola. I shall continue to ponder…


  3. Your winter is more gentle than ours. There is still frost in shaded areas at the moment (just after 11). Loving your garden. And your orchids.
    Thanks for linking to my post. It really was a lovely day and when you do get down here we will have to visit the Arboretum – and rather a lot of other places.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lunch on the veranda, and with orchids, no less? Show off! (love your Willow Pattern) . . . Although, I did have coffee and cake on the paysho this morning!

    What’s that young sapling-thingy growing in front of the pergola? It looks lovely.


  5. If three months is death in blog land, then my 18+ months of silence must equal dead, buried and cremated. Lovely to see your photos, we are lucky to have such pleasant winter days, though I agree that night time temps could be a little warmer.


    • Hello, Carol! (waves madly) We really must get together again. Any ideas?
      You wonder about heliconias…pretty much anywhere, but I’d say keep them in a pot so you can move them if frost threatens.Also, if they’re contained they wont overrun your whole yard!


  6. Oh, it’s a latitude thing, Eryl! In another month or so I’ll be plastered with guano and wearing a sunhat. 🙂
    And the jury is still out on the pergola adornment.Actually, i think we need to replace a couple of timbers first.


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