…because I could use a little help. (Scarlet’s retired to the Fainting Couch after her marathon!)

Not necessarily the chemical kind like The Stones. Maybe those Liverpool chaps...

Or I could take a deep breath and get the Artificial Insemination tool…oops! I think that should have read “Artificial Intelligence.” You see, back in the day when I was working in a lab. AI was the abbrev. for a common farming practice. And a fragment of a poem has lodged forever in my mind…


“By Farmer Brown’s tractor! I’m virgo intacta! I’ve not had the ghost of a binge. Instead, I’ve been gloved and ruthlessly shoved with a dirty, great, greasy syringe!”

I wish I could credit its author, but all I recall is that it was written by a (then) student at an Agricultural College and appeared in a University student magazine.* Sometime in the 1960s…?

So…back to what the current behind-the-scenes pixies are doing. I’ve done a bit of tinkering and had a couple of trial runs and can’t say I care for it. You know what a bugger’s muddle I can get into without any help from a writers’ programmer!

And I think …it might not be worth a punt with the housekeeping money, but I shouldn’t be at all surprised if this Ai thing has already been trialled….by the Prince of Nigeria!

Perhaps a spot of colour to finish?

An un-named bromeliad

Our old favourite… Lilly-pilly Powderpuff…aka the Drag Queen. (Syzigium wilsonii)

*Probably Massey College.


    • My “Drag Queen” took a while to hit its flowering, but once it got started-wow! It didn’t get very tall, but did fling its arms around! Your climate? Might need protection for the first winter or so.


  1. Artificial Insemination!!! But of course!!! How come I forgot that?

    Did you tinker with it? I think you have 20 free goes with it under your plan. But, yeah, I guess it doesn’t add much to the party, other than a brief moment of personal amusement.

    I have been offered AI assistance across the board – both in email, and in Instagram. I have turned down their kind offers.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Artificial Insemination is probably more apt as it’s taking something from somewhere else (be it words, phrases, images etc.) and inserting them somewhere that the original keeper/owner has no idea about (at least with the cattle example). It’s not able to look after your lovely bromeliad or Drag Queen, is it?

    Still, as Ms Scarlet said (and has demonstrated), it’s good for a brief laugh!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, I can see quite a few laughs spilling from this wretched Ai thing…it’s the human response to absurdity/danger. From a comfortable distance, of course. But may Mars and his clan not adopt it…


    • You’re right! It does need a name. We can’t go around yelling “hey! You!” So let’s call it Mitch. There you are, now you can open the window and shout:”Hey! Mitch! You wanna drink?”


  3. Thanks to you I now cannot see a cow without that verse coming to mind…..
    As to AI, I thought that was what was force fed students as university degrees these days and I am not touching it with a bargepole.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I recently watched Dame Edna on Youtube interviewing Cher, she gave Edna a welcome gift of a bromeliad, she took it off her and lobbed it against the wall, I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing, however, I wouldn’t thank you for it either.

    Talking of drag queens I love Lilly-pilly our natives can’t compete, they are like badly dressed transvestites, you know the type, bored husbands that like to dress-up in their wives dreariest when they have gone out to the bingo. Less eye candy, more eye cabbage.

    I was thinking of that another word that begins with M that rhymes with Binge.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, some Australian plants are very bling-y.And some bromeliads are are spectacular in flower and others are like nasty cross-cut saw blades, just lurking until some poor sod ventures close in flimsy shorts…

      But even that is better than boring concrete!


  5. Sorry, no help in this respect, I have no clue who wrote this.
    I’m just a bloke, so Artificial Insemination … let’s skip the details, right ?

    Artificial Intelligence – ? Sounds like the wet dream of some engineer or programmer with too much phantasy. We do not know how the spirit works, the spark, the daemon, and we will never know for the simple fact that we are not divine, but just and only human. So all our creations will stay under the threshold to the divine, and thankfully so. (Golem, any one ?)
    Look at it – robot dogs with artificial “intelligence” and a machine gun, hey that’s creation ! It is picture perfect – the creature mirrors the creator on a lower level, and mankind creates just another weapon.

    Sorry, I did not want to be serious, but my gute Grille, my whim, just left me, sorry.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, I don’t see a need for us, the little folk, to apologise, Mago.

    I capitalised the word “us” and it suggested I meant America! See how easy it is already for us to fall down that dangerous rabbit hole!

    Let’s just enjoy all the things our natural intelligence allows us to appreciate…


    • Thank you, Savvy. As I grow old, I care less about some of the new things that are being hurled at us. I just hope music isn’t gobbled up by Ai. Heaven forfend!!!


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