…somewhat late!

Those of you who have been idling here for long enough might recall that yesterday, October 23, 2006, saw my blog launched, with great fanfare and popping of champagne corks    somewhat tentatively, 5 years ago.

Yes, I have been boring the pants off readers for 5 years! And I did plan to have a small blogiversary give-away for a lucky reader (drawn from names of commenters by a person above any suspicion of cheating. Of course.)

Friends, one or two other things got in the way of that. First, I had some paperwork to tidy-up. And then I was out to lunch, in the nicest possible meaning of the phrase, and my good intentions went pear-shaped.

So…here’s what I’ll do…I’ll let this “lucky draw” run til next Sunday. That will be October 30 on my side of the IDL. But I’ll hold the draw until  the Monday so that all the lovely readers who are a bit behind also have a chance to win.

What’s that? Oh, the thing to be won? Hmmm…let’s see…

“Beyond the Palisades”                                       


Of course, the prints would be shipped unframed, for obvious reasons.

In the 5 years I’ve been blogging I have come to regard many of my readers as friends. I’ve even met some of you! There is, I find, a genuine warmth among bloggers. Well, on the sites I visit, anyway. 🙂

I really did have to think carefully about the “prize.” Not all of my scribblings would have wide appeal so I tried to go “middle of the road.” Which, of course, is a pretty stupid place to put oneself, especially with some of the bloody hoons on our roads! If neither of these pieces is your cup of tea, that’s fine. I shan’t be offended.

But if you fancy hanging one of these on your wall, just leave a comment before  October 30  and I’ll draw 2 names. First name has first pick.

And now, it’s time to don my chef’s hat…


Hey! My blog – my rules!

Hilke (a fantastic bookbinder; click on her name [beuchertiger] in the comments to see some of the things she makes.) is a newcomer so that last question about popular posts is probably a little unfair.

So…I’ve decided that the winner of this fabulous giveaway will be drawn simply from comments. Forget the questions! Seriously, who would NOT have known the All Blacks?

And my completely trustworthy, utterly unbiased random selectors will make not one, but three-yes! THREE draws. (That’s one each.;-) )

And, no, I’m not saying what else is up for grabs. Oh, come on people! You’ve all been spoon-fed by governments for for too long! Where’s your sense of adventure?  It costs you nowt; don’t be such skinflints!

Leave a comment and on the anniversary day my assistants will draw 3 names.

Now…having been messed around all day (ALL BLOODY DAY!) by Google, I have some catching-up to do.

What was wrong? Well, I have never selected Deutsch as my preferred language, so when everything  suddenly showed up in German…well, I was a little annoyed. Mainly because my Deutsch is now limited to jokes with a Swiss friend and yelling for beer at Oktoberfest.

Ah, well…at least I am still able to laugh!

And, Kaz…when so many brothers show up it’s not funny!


Friday, October 26. The winner has been drawn from those who have left comments to date. So you can still have yer ha’p’orth, but not be in the draw. Thanks to all.

Yep! One year ago I ventured, somewhat hesitantly, into this blogging lark. And here’s the funny thing…I was so focused on not hitting any wrong keys, copy editing and scribbling notes about what to do if… that I did not even notice the date.

So when I decided to have this Blogiversary Give Away thing I had to go back to my archives to see when I first posted.

And only then did the penny drop. Well, not so much drop as rattle down with a thunderous clunk.

You see, this date should have been more to the fore in my mind as it’s also my own birthday!

But no, I didn’t notice. Maybe I’ve had so many birthdays they have lost their excitement? Maybe I’m so conscious of the Big Numbers I try to forget? Dunno.

Anyway, today is “our” birthday and I would like to say a big thankyou to all my readers. If I had not had such encouraging comments a year ago I would not be here today. Although I have been writing for many years, the journal style of blogging was a new angle and it has forced an adaptation to the style.

This is what I’d term a “safe” blog. That is, I am aware of the fact that anyone can roll the blogging dice and land on my square. Anyone, including kids and staff from the school where I work. So I make an effort to keep my language suitable!

I also keep references to family and friends vague, out of respect for their privacy.

Over the past twelve months I have become a little more selective in my blog reading, tending to read “favourites” first and come back to others when time allows. You probably notice that sometimes my comments are a couple of days after the post.

You have also noted, I’m sure, that while I now have a reasonable camera and try to include photos in most posts, I have stayed away from all those tricky things like music and youtube and linky widgets and doovalackies.

I am still not that techno-savvy! And I do have other demands on my time. Like right now.

This is a short post as I’m going out to lunch (British readers will note, please, that I am referring to a mid-day meal with friends, not a psychological evaluation!) so I will leave you with a whimsy that came to mind as the builders toiled on the hill behind us.

(I tried to upload a photo, but Blogger informs me that there is a problem and that they are working on it.)

Several hours and a delicious lunch later…you might remember when I posted a picture of the Guantanamo-like scaffolding behind our fence? Well, here’s a progress shot and a suitable poem to go with it. I think you can understand why I’ve allowed the wisteria and palms to “go troppo.”


There was movement at ”The Castle” for the builders had returned

And the Boss had been on site to crack the whip.

There was yards of plastic wrapping, steel pins and wire strapping.

And very little of it in the skip!

Now the site was steep and tricky. On the northern side the scree

Made it hard to keep a foothold on the slope.

We nearly lost ol’ Gazza, but his shorts were grabbed by Bazza,

And after that, we linked-up on a rope.

The blokes who brought the girders were out-of-work sheep herders,

Forced North by the Monaro’s record dry.

Why they saw how high the roofline stuck up ‘way above the skyline

Well, they figured there were better ways to die!

Like a giant praying mantis, rearing high above the ground,

A concrete truck was beating out a rhythm

And cement trucks, in a fleet, were growling up the street

And every driver had a Heeler with him!

All the ruts were full of muck and a concrete truck got stuck

And no amount of revving got him clear – the Readymix was axle-deep in swill.

When a kid who had been watching said :”I’ve got a good idea!

Vere’s a farmer wiv a twactor down ‘ve hill.”

So off we all went trooping like an ANZAC Day parade

With the little boy leading, with a dog.

(One, his nose a-twitch, had gone seeking out a bitch

and some had chased a possum up a log.)

The sugar farmer chappy wasn’t really happy

That some dork’s truck might cause him a delay.

But the chance to make a buck by hauling out a truck

Just might help to off-set the FTA.

He said: “I’ll see youse fellas right

If y’ come back here tonight.

If you want the tractor now

You’ll have to pay!”© 2004

What a bald post this is! Bah! to Blogger. Oh well…

Thankyou again to those of you who have stayed with me or joined the gang recently. I am thoroughly enjoying the ride and intend to stay.

Well, this was a rather limp effort so I’m back to share with you what a friend thought sound birthday wisdom…

Deep thoughts for those who take life way too seriously

1. Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

2. A day without sunshine is like……night.

3. On the other hand, you have different fingers.

4. Remember, half the people you know are below average.

5. He who laughs last thinks slowest.

6. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

7. Support bacteria. They’re the only culture some people have.

8. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

9. How many of you believe in psycho kinesis?…Raise my hand.

10. OK…so what’s the speed of dark?

11. When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.

12. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don’t have film.

13. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

14. What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

15. I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

16. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?

17. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what

18. Just remember—if the world didn’t suck, we would all fall off.

19. Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear
bright until you hear them speak.

20. Life isn’t like a box of chocolates. It’s more like a jar of
jalapenos. What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow.

All comments today will go into The Hat and a winner will be drawn when Mr. Secret Agent returns in a couple of days.