…in a tropical winter.

Chlorophyll almost gone…

The Man thinks I’m daft (and he has a point) to hanker after turning leaves and, at the same time, muffle myself in multiple fleecy layers!

But I can’t help it. Born in a southern Springtime,  I  am hard-wired for four sharply-defined seasons.

through a screen of shrubbery

The Amazon lily (Eucharis grandiflora) always comes up trumps.

No snake dramas today, folks. Well, not so far!


Do you find  you sometimes have a silly- but- persistant little thought or idea rattling around in your head? No? Oh well, in that case you probably can’t answer my silly little question.

Can a wedgy be administered to someone wearing  thong underwear?

We need to know these things.

It’s Happy Hour chez Dinahmow… what’s your tipple?


Scrambling around in the back garden the other day I was struck by the lacy shadows and patterns on some old, thin-with-age leaves.

Losing their colour as they near the end of their season, some leaves take on a skeletal quality. Like these…winter sun old leaves

Dioscorea  The green, heart-shaped leaves in the background are, two days later, already losing their brilliance and will probably make it to the compost bin by Sunday.

And, as old life ebbs, new life begins…

2008_1109kites0012A mangrove seedling securing its place as dry, withered leaves float past.

Being in the tropics, we don’t have  sharply defined seasons. As I have mentioned. Once or twice 🙂

Years ago, friends in Connecticut had a huge old elm in their yard and it dropped its not inconsiderable load of leaves in one night. The kids would be detailed to ” rake up those leaves before someone slips over!” They grizzled every year about this onerous, to them, task. I wonder how they’d like to have to pick up palm trash EVERY DAY?

deep shadeLooking up, through the terminalia and foxtail palms. Just two of the reasons I don’t have a vegetable garden! Although…the terminalia seeds are supposed to be edible. Anyone out there know how to prepare them? In parts of Africa the tree is called “false almond” and the nuts are eaten, but none of my books has reliable information on the cooking aspects.


This picture was taken in March, well before the retreat of chorophyll’s army… 

dioscorea marchIf you’re interested, in this mis-matched planting are Casuarina, Thevetia, Viburnum, Ardissia, Mutabilis and Dioscorea. Oh, yes – somewhere behind these is my tamarind, tall, straight and lanky. 

And the banner? Mainly mutabilis.  Bauhinia.

Now, I’m off to do brilliantly artistic things with sharp implements…