…when the thermometer climbs above 30.

The cats have already hi-jacked  helped me out with Jane’s “flowers in the house.” And I had a coffee break and looked at some of the other floral delights on her blog. Well, I felt  a bit deflated, didn’t  I? So I admit I stole  borrowed Deb’s clever idea and snipped some sprigs of rosemary. But what to put with them? Hmm…something I have never tried before so have no idea how long before the Cape Primrose drops its petals, but here it is, with some white Penstemon.

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And one of the ginger-y  Tapeinochilos which hangs over the pathway was snapped so I trimmed it back and added a stem of shell ginger (that’s a current menace at the back gate as it’s crawling with green ants-ouch!)

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A very paltry contribution, Jane, but things are grim just now. Also, I’m cutting back a lot so that the tree chaps can get in to remove the trees.

And yesterday, I had a little surprise in my mail box – another book in the BookArtObject exchange. I think this completes my group swaps, but, to be honest, we’ve been going for so long on this round I’m really not sure! But here’s a peek …

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And that’s all for now, folks.* I still have some palm trash to drag away from the back pergola and I think making pastry before my hands get bloody and grubby is a good idea, don’t you!



*was it Bugs Bunny who said that?


Interesting title, you think? Well, maybe. I’ve mentioned  “some chap/bloke/fellow in the pub” on several occasions. And I’m sure we’ve all come across him.I suspect he’s really an early experiment in cloning. Where do you think Ira Levin got his idea?

Who is this fellow? Well, if you believe him, he is a font of knowledge on myriad topics. And almost always knows the best place to get something at the best price (sometimes off the back of a lorry, but  we wont delve into that here.) And he either knows or is a close personal friend of someone who knows someone else. You may insert any colourful expletive here.

Over the years, I’ve heard the bloke in the pub claim to:

know a GI who was actually with Sean Flynn when he was captured by the Vietcong.

have been drinking in a pub in Chelsea with Lord Lucan the night of the murder

have the “inside track” on whatever racing classic was due to start.

Strange, but I doubt I could pick this bloke out of an identity parade; his appearance is, shall we say, amorphous. What I am absolutely certain of is that he had a damn good method of getting someone else to buy his round!

The debonair Mr Musgrave has honoured me with an award. Apparently, for “being fun down under ” and I can tell you right now I’ll be keeping a sharp eye on incoming spam. Well, you never know…

Anyway, I am to show my badger..oh, sorry, that should read badge  

This is the badge.

Reality Blog award

And then I am to answer some questions…

1     If I could change one thing in my life, what would that be?

Well, that’s a bit silly! As Sav has already said, when you change even one thing, that will affect/change everything else.

2    If I could repeat any age, what would it be?

Oh, please! I wander through childhood re-inventing myself all the time! Of course, the question might be using the word age to mean a certain period in history. Hmm…a tricky one, innit? Let’s shoot for early human development. Or being a six year old, because Mr. Milne made it such fun!

3   What really scares me?

I’m a bit of a sook about heights. Let’s be brutally honest – I’m too scared to go to the top of Very Tall Buildings. Flying doesn’t count.


4  If I could be someone else for a day, who and why?

Oh, I think for the novelty and the freebies, I’d be that bloke in the pub!


Now, I have some paper to measure and cut and some labels to paste on some packages and then….some books to send out into the world.

But before I go, I have to dob in    nominate some other poor buggers   worthy bloggers. Five, apparently. Well, some  have already been targeted, some are unwell, on holiday or don’t like these  games. But here goes my pick of three.  (and I hope they don’t hate me.)

Guyana Girl



What? You expect stunning photographs of an eye-catching garden? How about  some lethal weapons?

blades after first dip


Some of my rusted blades after soaking in  this…

strong tea


Not creosote – tea. Sorry, no biscuits.


I’ve been wandering through too many real estate blurbs! Not that we’re planning to move. No, the title is more to do with a little bloggy housekeeping. Not much, mind! Hey! I’m flat-out trying to keep the home house neat so the blog gets nowt but a header change now and then. (And even that’s set to “auto” because I’m busy elsewhere.  lazy!)

But, if you’ve a mind to know more about my busy-ness you’ll see that I’ve added a new page, artist books. Up there /\, just below the picture. Rather than clog the blog with stuff not everyone wants to read, I’ll post bits and pieces there. And there’s also a link to the group blog if you’d like to read/see more.

But don’t expect to see everything! This project is  about swapping works with other book artists and we’d like to retain an element of surprise. 😉

So…what will I write on the main page? Oh, the usual nonsense. A sort of “wot I done on me ‘olidays” essay.

I might, for instance, have told you that I swam in the ocean at my local beach. No…the beach has been closed since Saturday when the life guards found jelly fish. Big box jellies. Red flags. Disappointed beach babes.


But I’m heading to the pool after lunch!