artist books

In 2012 I shall make 3 editions as part of the BookArtObject exchange with more than 50 other book artists. From time to time I will post some progress pictures here. And maybe some of my other paper-and- book-related fiddling and folding.

My page on Artists Books 3.0

“TWILIGHT” for BAO group 10.









My first interpretation of the title was a gate-fold, with paper cut-away and a ribbon tie. And a hideous typo! Against the clock, I switched to a simpler presentation, the pamphlet stitched book shown here. 14 x 10.5 cms. Inkjet printed on Strathmore drawing paper.Cover Canson Mi-Teintes. Text and images by the author.

Clicking images should make them easier to read.

“SILENT WOLVES” for BAO Group 6 

front with bandFront with band closure

back with band

Back band closurefront




haiku 1


haiku 2

The drawings were done in graphite (6B pencil if you’re dying to know), scanned and inkjet printed onto Fabriano “Rosapina.” This is a lush, thick printing paper. My printer was not happy when I fed it double thickness paper…

Eventually, I solved the problem of paper being chewed to confetti.I held the folded paper together with a tiny piece of Scotch tape. The magic kind, because it is possible (with great care and a lot of luck) to peel it apart afterwards.Ordinary sellotape does not work for this.

I finished the shading post-printing and stitching, to avoid smudges. The bands are Canson Mi-Teintes, dark grey.

Some progress shots of “Daisy Chain.” March 27.

The colophon (on the underside of the box lid) and the board game, folded in the Turkish Map fold.

colophon and folded board game

 Dice and counters (buttons because the only shop which sold plain counters had burned down!)dice and counters

The “board game” in its folded state.  


Presentation box with chain clasp and original drawing dog. 

presentation box

The presentation box. I used Canson  paper (lightweight card would have been better, but  the local art store orders ALL supplies from Melbourne, once a month, by road freight and floods had closed the highway. )

It’s done, signed, packed and mailed. I have to say I am not entirely happy with it, but it has gone out into the world with the best of intentions, if not execution. As always, I have had moments of agony and inspiration in about equal measure. And always, encouragement from fellow-bookmakers.

Now…onto the other two titles!

WORK IN PROGRESS     December 2012

With Sara’s latest announcement that she will be shipping Sarah Bodman’s copies in January I think several jaws dropped with a resounding bump!One of them was mine.

Yes, I could have completed the work several months ago. Probably should have! But, not being driven by a deadline [something I think MUST be addressed before any new rounds are opened], I have chosen to wind up several other projects before year’s end, thinking that the generally slow time over the Christmas-New Year break would be ideal for making my books.

Well, we all know what Mr. Burns had to say about well-laid plans!

I will be emailing the members of my 3 groups with an explanation of   grovelling apology for my tardiness and the decision I have come to.

In brief…I will try to have  Sara Bodman’s copies shipped to Sara Bowen in time, but the full editions will take a little longer.

For the moment, here are  some pictures of some of the work for ” The Daisy Chain.”

Below, Trial stages for “The Daisy Chain,” one of the titles I’m working on using The Turkish map fold.Why, yes! That is a remote control unit, along with box knife, pencils, eraser, cutting board…the usual book-y paraphernalia. The radio is my usual accompaniment/distraction, but I wanted the TV news update that day.

work in progressBAO work

Below, Attaching the chain

attaching the fastener

Further explanation of the construction once all parties have received their  books.


Not my work! But worth another mention, this wonderful, teasing treasure hunt from someone whose mind works in a way I wish more could,or should, work.


When we come to presenting our books, or “objects” if they are not quite conventionally perceived books, we need to consider the need for instruction in their reading/using/manipulation.

We might include this in the colophon,but most people wont read that until the story is finished. If then! Or we could have a “read this first” page.

Now, I’m one of those hands-on-and -figure-it-out people. I only RTFM when I’ve completely lost my way! Yeah, impatient. (If I’d been in Sara’s group I would have played with her Art and Lies piece before looking at the video!)

Instructions are fine, but not if they come in at several pages of close type. We’re reading a book, not building a space ship!

For one of the books I’m currently working on, I could include instructions, but I feel that might be insulting my readers’ intelligence. Better, I think, to construct the piece to withstand exploration. Think I’m gonna need stickier glue!

Here’s a link to Alisa Golden’s page, where she sort-of mentions the same thing.

10 thoughts on “artist books

  1. ooo all the booky aty things in one spot wot? noice….. (ps I DIDN’T see the vid first but took the leap at Sara’s ‘Art and Lies’ book……. ooo scary moment!)…. and don’t you just love love love alisa’s blog! (its golden in every sense)


    • Well, it’s all a bit hotch-potch at present, but I’ll try to streamline things. [There is a ” notify me” thigummy at the bottom of this for folk who want to subscribe. Otherwise, I think it’s up to readers to check out updates.]
      And, yes, Alisa’s books and blog are good.


  2. The radio is absolutely essential for staying sane. Especially, for people like me in the broadcasting wasteland, if it’s radio from the computer. (Reminds me–I need to catch up with The Archers…)

    You are so brave, doing three. I’m panicking enough that I said I’d do two. And as for that structure thing, I’ve been seriously rethinking my plans for my second book, which would’ve looked rather… medicinal…in format (the title is Poison). I’ve been picturing potential scenes in various customs departments around the world, as the bureaucrats scratch their heads “This idiot says it’s a book? Oh yeah…” I think I’ll be going in a more conventional direction instead. Maybe. (Just thinking out loud here.)

    At any rate, good luck on yours! Can’t wait to see them! I feel so lucky–we’re in two groups together (I remember?).

    PS I like Alisa Golden’s blog too–especially the fact that she focuses a lot on content, both text and art. Not many focus on that, and it’s so important for bookies (or at least for some of us).


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