…Or, not sure where you are, but writing down the adventures might be a good idea.

Right, then! First up, I thought that, since we are (that’s all of us, right? Not just one daft old bat who doesn’t know a sexton from something that sort-of sounds like one. C’mon, you slackers! Get your astrolabes out. No, Muriel. MURIEL!) doing maps this month I’d change my header.

And then, when I came to upload my map…I noticed that there does seem to be a similarity.

But, to save you having to click back to the previous post, I said that I might manage to retrieve the map that got so much use in my childhood. Of course, the original is long gone.But I have re-drawn the inky bits of an old copy for you.

map of the island

Remember that spelling list? I don’t think “cannibal” was included! And the burn marks? I think we might have been lighting our camp fire…Or maybe the pirates fired at us! By the gods! They were a devilish crew! Blood-thirsty yells upsetting high-strung thoroughbreds and wilting Nan’s pansies.

But I remembered the fun of the game well enough to include similar maps in birthday and Christmas presents for a whole new generation of kids.


  1. I hope we are going to get the stories that go with these places?! My mind is boggling over Cannibal Man! AND, as a kid I was terrified at the prospect of falling into a whirlpool.
    Very Swallows and Amazons, Dinah!

    I will do a map. I was trying to write an unrelated blog post yesterday, and it was awful – I might try the map today to cheer myself up.


    Liked by 1 person

    • The thing about an invented map is that it can be a different place each time you play. Of course, by the time we’d squabbled over the “where next?” and scribbled new lines etc, someone had to start over with a new near-blank map. You may imagine where this was going…I should add that when Ten Sing and Hillary topped Everest we became intrepid mountaineers! So I might tell that tale…


  2. Pingback: Mapping Mogwash!!! | Wonky Words

    • At least one of us took a LOT of persuasion for most ventures! But, in the main, we amused ourselves equably for hours. I’ll gloss over the time Glyn sat on my chest, yelling “If you were Christ, I’d crucify you!”


    • You put cucumber in your poison water? I thought that was only a Pimms “thing.” Clearly, I’ve been too long away from civilisation. …”Carstairs! Pass my pith helmet and order the bearers to proceed to the landing stage.What time’s the next dug-out due?”


    • I’m banking on the lake of poison water being Hendricks – which I find is rather delightful with cucumber. Lemon just seems a little run-of-the-mill now.

      Oh, and I’d use that cold tea to dye your pith helmet – you’re looking a tad conspicuous…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, obviously when you, Mr Device, come to visit I shall have to get on the drums and have Carol transported (by dugout if the rains are prospicious)up here so we can have a Bombay Sapphire Party, Bring it on!
        Oh, and Carstairs! Prepare a dye bath.Toot sweet!


  3. I often think of whirlpools and vortexes (or is that vortices?) on cruises, it keeps me awake at night. Cannibals, another thing to worry about. I hope I don’t dream tonight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • A very good technique is to imagine your two worst fears cancelling out each other. eg, think of the cannibals being sucked into a whirlpool. Very Zen. Alternatively, pour a good, stiff drink.with cucumber!

      Liked by 1 person

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