I got somewhat side-tracked the other day. Things have been hectic hereabouts, but I shant bore you with explanations.

Now, our friend over in Norfolk often posts pictures of what he calls cormorants and what I call shags. And now, just to make things even more mystifying, here, they’re called darters. This is a driftwood sculpture by Pete Rush and apparently, he made this especially for the darters, as a place for them to perch while drying their wings. (found on facebook) The birds seem appreciative.

This was posted from a Facebook page and, if the sculptor ,Pete Rush and photographer, Tim Freer object to my re-posting, here it is. I’ll take it down

We’ve had more good rain, coupled with (oh, joy!) lower temps. Gardeners are happy and all sorts of plants are putting on a late show.

The Gloriosa, so late to flower this year, has romped away after good rain. No, the Weed Police don’t like it, but we wont tell ’em, will we?

May be an image of bird, body of water and nature

Another gem, struggling, but coming back is one I call by its Maori name, manuka. It’s a Leptospermum scoparium and probably has a varietal name, though I’ve no idea what it might be. Very pale pink and fading to white on hot days; you can just see the faint blush in the bud. As kids, we used to make huts of these tough little plants and quite a few people used cut branches as screening material around seedlings.

The Dioscorea along the front deck also goes bonkers after rain and this late in the season I don’t really care. I’ll be

cutting it back, before it starts to dry-off. Once the sap’s stopped it’s like trying to cut wire.

I’m fed up with this editing nonsense. I think, if you want a bigger picture, you’ll just have to do your own thing! But here’s a slightly bigger manuka flower!

Pigeon orchid, Dendrobium crumenatum

.Lichen on a tree fern.


  1. Lovely Gloriosa, but you are correct – the only way to appreciate the other images is to right-click and open the thumbnails in a new window. There is no pic at all, however of the shags, cormorants or darters, nor their driftwood sculpture perch? Jx


  2. Loving your garden display. It is cooler here today (some are complaining it is cold) and beautifully damp. More dampness is expected later in the week and I am hoping.
    I am told that the difference between the darters and the cormorants is that darters have a straight bill. Seeing them swimming we call them snake birds. Their body is invisible and only the sinuous neck and head appears above the water.
    I am going to work on himself. I would LOVE to see that sculpture for myself.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Now that is an enormous shag!
    Unfortunately, I haven’t experienced a shag for years – the last time was up in Northumbria while on a school trip (so definitely underage!) to Lindisfarne on Holy Island. Around here, they’re all bloody cormorants – and darters are dragonflies.
    I haven’t featured cormorants on the blog for an age – I checked, and the last time of any significance was on your birthday!

    Anyway, moving on… That gloriosa is stunning! How anything so beautiful could be called a weed is beyond me. Those little manuka flowers look a bit like the greengage blooms that are out now around here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Green gage! Lordy! I have not seen them in donkeys years.
      And all the “common” names for things drive me up the wall sometimes. I do try to stick to Latin nomenclature, at least for plants, but….as my late friend said: “Never mind the bloody Latin, dear. just call a poof a poof!”
      Camp as row of tents, he insisted on walking me to my bus stop at 11pm and waiting to wave bye-bye.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the sculpture! I’d like one in my garden – there are so many birds that need a perch.
    And thank you for sharing a taste of summer – still blustery here, but at least it’s stopped raining.
    Apologies for my lateness – I had the vaccine stab yesterday [definitely a stab] and I am still feeling decidedly odd.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow! I’m not sure when we’ll get our shot in the arm.We got a reminder about flu jabs the other day…and then I saw something about not having those within ?? days of each other.So that’s another paper trail/rabbit hole …


  5. Hello over there – or down there. I love that sculpture! No flowers yet in my garden but I have noticed a few things popping up in my flower bed that I don’t remember planting. Can’t wait to see what they are– and I don’t think they’re weeds. Maybe a little bird or the wind dropped a few seeds last year.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ah…that’s part of the charm …you sometimes get a delightful surprise. Of course, there are times (like this morning) when the surprise is not delightful. But the rain had softened the ground so I was able to pul the B^%$##$%^() easily
    Have you had your needle yet? We are waaaay down the list.


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