Zorb® Attack Pack (2 x Single Zorb rides)web picture

I was so looking forward to zorbing … I am sure I saw a TV “Six Degrees” programme that showed  someone zorbing in the Auckland Domain. But I couldn’t find a ‘phone number  and the tour guides listed only the Rotorua site for zorbing. Bah!

And the one day we had the opportunity to go to Devonport by ferry was a stinker so a ferry ride, delight of childhood, was a non-starter! Still, I did manage to mooch around the harbour , drooling at some of the “prettty toys.”

And, despite my vow to “go north” on this trip, we still didn’t make it as far north as Kawakawa, home of the fabulous Hundertwasser toilets. However, I did manage to find a postcard of them, but I mailed it to a blogger in Canada. Perhaps, if you ask nicely via her comments, she might post a picture…

Something else I most definitely did NOT do was go to the top of that bloody “hypodermic syringe”

although we did wander around the lower floors, where (hundreds of) people were feeding coins into poker machines and more people were queuing to go into the deep, dark salons to play roulette and whatever other money-eating games were on offer.

To me, there is nothing “thrilling” about betting my hard-earned cash that someone else will bet even more cash on an outside straight… a bigger thrill would be the bungee jump from the platform near the top of this tower. We could see the straps dangling and watched for a while to see if anyone was brave enough to jump. No takers! Too windy, probably.

When a sudden squall lashed us we ducked into the foyer of Brookfields’ office block and I stayed, after the shower passed, to have a good look at a wonderful installation, by Carole Shepheard.  (Googling her name will show several links)

This is only one panel.

And I think the “gallery planets” must have been mis-aligned as Auckland’s main gallery was closed for refurbishment and another show I’d wanted to see was not open when I had the time free. Oh, well, we did cruise through some small galleries and boutiques which featured originals and hand-made articles…

So…not so much tripping about this time, but the reason was…

A rather significant birthday. Yes, we partied!


And a brief footnote on Sporran… madame is more than a little ticked-off at having to stay indoors, but she’s doing well and thanks all of you for asking.

18 thoughts on “WHAT I DID NOT DO ON ME ‘OLIDAYS…

  1. Aww, too bad that you did not get to do the things you had wanted, but looks like you had fun anyhoo. Happy 85th!

    I saw parts of New Zealand on “The Amazing Race” TV program last night. Don’t know if you get that show over there, but I saw lots of Aukland. Didn’t realize it was SO populated. I guess all cities are big now. Hubby wants to move there if the presidential election doesn’t go his way. Grin

    I love this Carole Shepheard art. I will have to look her up. Love the colors.

    Hope Sporran gets well soon.


  2. kate…wow! you’re quick! Yes, I think Amazing Race is on, but I haven’t seen it.
    Auckland is like a giant ant hill now. And the traffic gives me the willies! I’m used to small-town life nowadays!
    Happy 85th????It was my ma-in-law, not me!


  3. I’ve missed so much! Kitty injuries, beautiful vacation… I still haven’t adjusted to your ‘move’ to WP.
    Awww, you didn’t get to go zorbing! It’s part of your national heritage, you simply must!

    I can relate to the ‘going back home’ feeling. When I get on a plane and visit where I grew up (Toronto) it’s surprisingly anti-climatic.


  4. tara…when and if I Zorb I have no doubt there will be someone manning the camera.
    I keep coming back to that Shepheard piece (the whole work is in several sections and pretty much fills the lobby) and seeing more in it. I wanted to close my eyes and trace the textures with my fingers!


  5. tara…when and if I Zorb I have no doubt there will be someone manning the camera.
    I keep coming back to that Shepheard piece (the whole work is in several sections and pretty much fills the lobby) and seeing more in it. I wanted to close my eyes and trace the textures with my fingers!


  6. heck – some catching up to do!
    1. Poor Sporran xxxxxxx
    2. You look good for 85!
    3.Zorbing – I so, so, so want a go!
    4. Happy birthday for FRIDAY


  7. ziggi…sporran’s improving;this morning, she opened the door and went for a wander! And I’m on the cusp, so can please myself .Mind you, it’s been said that I have a scorpio temprament! The “famous” Russell Grant thought I was a Leo, which just proves that it IS twaddle!


  8. don’t know what’s wrong with my email – no one is talking to me, or my new pc is vetting everyone very carefully!
    lmrb2 at hotmail dot com

    and I’ll catch up on my return from beirut!


  9. I don’t have the daredevil gene so no zorbing (barf) or bunggee-jumpin’ or rides up skinny towers for moi. I wouldbe quite content scooting around the Harbor on a nice, sunny, day.

    Congratulations on this magnificant milestone.
    I should be so lucky.


  10. donn…maybe when you get to be a little older you’ll suddenly want to do all those things that scared the tripe out of you when you were young.Or…maybe not! I’m still far too chicken to pay money to cross that ghastly Capilano Bridge (Vancouver) and I HATE cable cars!


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