I suppose, since they are on public display, I can show photos of any of the work. But it feels a little rude without telling authors what I want to do.

So, with kind permission of several friends and colleagues, and links to their sites …here are more books. Clicking should give you a larger view. I’ve also given my “guesstimates” on size as it’s not always easy to tell from a photo, a fact noted by the judge, Helen Cole.*


“Shyness” by Elizabeth Banfield. I’ve been almost mesmerised by Elizabeth’s delicately cut lino for  quite a while now. This book is approximately A6 (maybe a little bigger) in size.


A beautiful book, if a sad subject. Helen Malone has produced this  as her depiction of the devastating Brisbane flood in 2011.Her own photographs, in sepia tones, echo the mud that covered acres and acres of land and the book, displayed as intended, swirls like the river it records.


“Peace Mends the World” by Fiona Dempster. A “patchwork” of metal and Perspex. These are pieces of  reclaimed copper sheeting, stitched (!) together with copper wire;the “pages” are fastened with copper rivets.  A little bigger than A5.


“Carpe Diem” by Rhonda  Ayliffe. A clever look at today’s hi-tech world. This book requires an app to read (I don’t have such a device). I believe Ronnie explains a little of the construction on her blog. And you can see a related piece by Ronnie as part of the current round of BookArtObject exchange here


“A Burning Question” by  Sara Bowen. Sara is the artist who initiated the BookArtObject exchange group and this is one of her titles  in the current round. Intricate paper cutting and pop-ups, this is presented in a “match box”, with a spent match attached.Quite scary, especially after such a summer of fires! Another small book, approximately A6 or slightly bigger. As the match box is not displayed, here is a link to Sara’s own picture and her  blog


Speaks for itself, really! Well, anyone who used an earlier  pc will know. As I wander around the web looking at artists’ books, I am struck by the great humour shown by so many. In this presentation Caren Florance addresses the thorny issue of display,something that drives gallerists and curators bonkers – how should we place this !**$# item so that everyone can see/read it?Just click the image and all is explained, right down to the type setting.

This has been quite a long post! I might show you some more books next week. I am lucky to be living  in the same town as I can take my time, absorb more, exchange views with other visitors. And share it  here. 🙂

Oh! yes…the horse and jockey things. Hmm…perhaps I’ll tease you  give you another day to work it out.

* Thanks to Helen Malone for these links, giving a judge’s perspective.

updated to add Artspace ‘s photos link


  1. Great photos Di, wonderful to get a look at some of the books with your notes. Shame about lack of catalogue, I’m sure it would be expensive to print but they could charge for it.


    • A lot of people feel the same. Most catalogue now come with a price tag, which stops the magpies who just grab handfuls and it generates a little for the gallery I’m surprised and disappointed in this oversight, if that’s what it is.


    • Thanks, Amanda. There will be more! One of the perks of being a local is that I get several opportunities to look at things!

      On 17 May 2013 12:03, Moreidlethoughts Weblog


  2. Great post Di. I look forward to seeing more of the books. How lucky we are to have you up there at Mackay. Elizabeth Banfield’s delicate linocuts really are delightful. I bought one recently and enjoy it so much on my wall.


    • Well, I think stellar status is more than I deserve, but I do like going back for closer looks. Seems to make the work “sink in” more, which is something often missed on quick visits.


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