a lonely little petunia…

…not in the onion patch. It was adding a glorious “pop” of colour to some herbs. Apparently, possums like petunias…

I despair! The furry fiends have decimated my Rumex and we have what’s known as The Parsley Routine, which involves clearing the buckets and clothes basket from the laundry bench each evening and bring in the pots of parsley. And, of course, taking them out in the morning.

But, moving on…while trying to find an easier method of getting pictures bigger than a postage stamp onto the blog I came across an oldie of the hoya. These beauties will not (or at least rarely) flower unless their roots are confined. So I left mine in its dinky little pot…and it died. That’s when I discovered that ants had invaded and the poor hoya was running on empty as the little sods had got rid of the compost!

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is hoya-copy.jpg


But that’s pfft in the bigger scheme of things. Like Covid. You will, I’m sure, have heard/read/seen the news that Brisbane, Capital city of the State of Queensland, along with several surrounding communities, is in lockdown.

Now, here’s the thing. Settle down, you wastrels at the back! This is important! No, Muriel, not now. Muriel! Just go to your room and I’ll explain it all later…yes, you can have “special” tea.

Where was I? Oh, yes, lockdown. If you have Google Earth (and if it’s working. Mine was not working at 5am, but I think the elves have fixed it.) you can see that Mackay, where I live, is considerably further than “up the road” from Brisbane.

So can anyone explain why, when I went to my local shops this morning, I was THE ONLY PERSON not wearing a face mask? (We wont count the fellow whose mask was doing a grand job of protecting his chinny-whiskers, but bugger-all for the rest of us!)

At the first supermarket a hand-written sign ( definitely not written by the lovely https://wonky-words.com/blog/) informed me that they were “out of facemarks”).

Next store, they “didn’t think they sold them.”

The only pharmacy had a hand-written sign advising “out of stock. “

On a whim, I popped into one of those cheap ‘n’ cheerful discount stores where a helpful woman told me they’d sold out, but were hoping to get more that afternoon.

There are now who knows how many people going hither and yon, possibly carrying the highly infectious UK strain. Plus another mutation of said strain.

One of the chaps, who’d been to Byron Bay (again, check your distances from Mackay), is a “tradesman” who also works as an “entertainer.” I suppose he does strippergrams for hen parties…he’s a tradie, after all…

Poly 1L Polystrippa Paint Stripper

Blustery showers and the possibility of Big Rain so I’m off to the shops…

14 thoughts on “a lonely little petunia…

  1. Way to early for Petunias, here, unfortunately – but have no fear, when they are available we will be growing some! Their scent is as intoxicating as their beauty. Speaking of beauty, I once [myriad years ago in another life] grew Hoya bella as a houseplant, and it too has a lovely scent; it too died, without any help from ants…

    As for facemasks [and I assume your statement of exasperation meant to say “THE ONLY PERSON wearing a face mask”, instead of “not”], we’ve been experiencing this particular irritation since they became mandatory in the UK sometime last summer. Some people really, genuinely – and aggressively, at times – just do not give a shit about other people and will persist on flouting the rules just because…

    Keep smiling. This will end. Jx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I did mean I was NOT wearing a mask! Didn’t know it applied to the whole State and, anyway, there were none to be had But today I’ll wear a bandit-type scarf.Maybe i should wear jeans, too and borrow a check shirt from The Man! (But first I’ll see if we have any dust masks… )
    I love petunias.


    • Surely you can get some from eBay? I got our first ones from Etsy, but since then (inevitably) every shop and pharmacy here has them in abundance… Jx


      • Oh, probably, but shipping would take days.And I could go downtown, to the big shops.I suppose it’s FOMO (fear of missing out), like panic-buying toilet paper!


  3. I do love petunias. And grew up hearing about the lonely one in the onion patch.
    Masks are (for the moment) a rareity here. Which could and probably will change very quickly. My hoya had a second flush of blooms this year – which thrilled me. Another which we struck from a leaf that the sulphur crested vandals had snipped off the plant is not yet sufficiently pot-bound. Next year. Or the one after that.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve never heard of the Hoya, but it is a lovely little thing, I wonder if we get them here? In a month or so Moffat will be resplendent with petunia filled hanging baskets, I hope.

    Possums really are a damn nuisance aren’t they?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the intense colours (like yours) and velvetyness of Petunias, but I can’t bear the “stickiness” of their fuzzy stems and leaves. And the stench – Eeeeeurgh!
    But Hoyas – yes. I had two or three in my bedroom jungle back in the last century/millenium (eeek!) and they flowered like mad, dripping the sticky, sweet nectar that I didn’t lick up (like a bee) all over my shelves and carpet.

    I’m glad you’ve got the hang of WordPress’s picture resizing malarkey – I haven’t right-clicked to embiggen once!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. You won’t be able to move for stores selling face masks in a couple of weeks time! Doesn’t your Government site have a how-to on making one from a large hanky and a couple of elastic bands?
    Even M&S are selling masks now.
    Best to stay home and potter with the plants 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh yes! As soon as the WHO called it a pandemic, blogs and instagram and youtube were full of “novel” face mask how-to’s.
      I no longer have a sewing machine (sold when we were planning the move to NZ!) and until now, we’ve been free of mandatory masks. But new stocks came in and I bought a pack of 10. The lockdown was lifted earlier than planned, but masks are still in force Statewide.

      Liked by 2 people

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