…the things that you’re lib’le to read in the bible, ain’t necessarily so.

If that were the case, today I’d be dead!

About that half-arsed promise to come up with an idea to celebrate the blog’s birthday…um. Sorry. It’s been a bit manic  Chez Dinahmow. I didn’t forget, I just had rather a lot of more important stuff that required my attention.

Growing up in a much cooler climate there are some things about life  north of Capricorn that I miss. Cherry blossom, for one. So yesterday, The Man got behind the wheel and I snapped some pink-blossomed trees from tourist class. Pretty ropey pics, but every spring, when these Tabebuia  are in flower, I’m reminded of cherry blossom.IMG_4625


Now, needs must…back as soon as this busy-dust settles. Actually, busy-dust is a bit like bloody glitter – you can’t get rid of it!

Someone has been to look at one of the old cars! Please cross whichever bits of anatomy you think will be helpful. (Muriel, NO! Oh dear.Nurse!)


The intention was for The Man to creep out in the dark of the pre-dawn to watch the World Cup Rugby match between Australia and Wales. On TV. Of course.

Well, that plan sort-of worked…but it might have been wise to rely on an alarm clock. Despite my channeling Max Boyce and singing “Hymns and Arias” we both over slept. And, anyway, The Aussies beat the boyos. I didn’t sing loud enough, isn’t it!

It’s been blowing hell west and crooked all week and then yesterday we had heavy rain. We stuffed as much garden debris as we could into the car and off I went… aren’t wing mirrors great!

I always have the car radio on and heard “Zorba’s Dance” by a full orchestra (turns out it was Montreal Symphony) with rather more brass than bouzouki but damn! it was good. So I turned it waaaay up. Such a cracking piece of music from a cracking film I thought I’d poke around on youtube and share it…


And, for a laugh, there’s this version…


And I’ve looked at this thing til my eyes hurt and I need to lie down in a darkened room.


Have  picture to take away the hurt!IMG_4617I spotted this magazine in the supermarket and it made me laugh…that’s an oilskin coat, known here as a Drizabone,  on the back of the chair.

It’s Wine O’Clock Chez Dinahmow. See ya….I shall give some thought to a blogiversary prize. Yes, this lame old thing has been running, albeit in fits and starts, since 2006!


…this blog was 5 years old. W’appen? How did a whole year slip by so fast?

Traditions. Are they outmoded fancies? Relevant markers of important occasions? Should Dinah have an annual give-away to celebrate the fact that she still has a blog and readers?

And, should there be a great clamouring from the gallery, what should she give away? Cole Porter springs to mind here!

Another new banner. Croton leaves, this time. Apart from the vibrant colours, I love that all these different colours and patterns are on the same plant! I bet if I walked down the street wearing  such a mish-mash people would think (probably say!) “Poor old bat has no idea how ridiculous she looks!” But I get away with it in the garden.

Dwarf Heliconia (crab claw)

I love the bright blue seeds! They are beginning to lose their “blueness” now as they mature.

Peace lily Spathyphyllum. Generally called a Peace Lily, but I’ve no idea why. (I did ask Mr.Google, but he was no help.) Anyway, mine was overcrowded in a pot so, once we started to do something along the side fence I split it and brought both pots to the front. Oh boy! Both are flowering madly. And, so far, not objecting to having  more light. Confused creatures, like the gardener.

Clerodendrum ugandense

Clerodendrum ugandense  With the common monica of “blue butterfly bush.” Wonder why? This  is relatively young, so only about 20cms (8″) high, but it will eventually reach 1 metre or maybe more.

Right! So let’s consider this anniversary. If you think we should have a give-away, leave a suggestion in the comments. Yes, I am making you do the work! You can’t expect to wander in and have it all laid out on a plate! What am I – Liberty Hall!

When I hit the “publish” button, WordPress took me by the hand and led me to a page with a quote. Just for me! “I am a drinker with writing problems.”

(That’s Brendan Behan, in case you wondered.)