The intention was for The Man to creep out in the dark of the pre-dawn to watch the World Cup Rugby match between Australia and Wales. On TV. Of course.

Well, that plan sort-of worked…but it might have been wise to rely on an alarm clock. Despite my channeling Max Boyce and singing “Hymns and Arias” we both over slept. And, anyway, The Aussies beat the boyos. I didn’t sing loud enough, isn’t it!

It’s been blowing hell west and crooked all week and then yesterday we had heavy rain. We stuffed as much garden debris as we could into the car and off I went… aren’t wing mirrors great!

I always have the car radio on and heard “Zorba’s Dance” by a full orchestra (turns out it was Montreal Symphony) with rather more brass than bouzouki but damn! it was good. So I turned it waaaay up. Such a cracking piece of music from a cracking film I thought I’d poke around on youtube and share it…


And, for a laugh, there’s this version…


And I’ve looked at this thing til my eyes hurt and I need to lie down in a darkened room.


Have  picture to take away the hurt!IMG_4617I spotted this magazine in the supermarket and it made me laugh…that’s an oilskin coat, known here as a Drizabone,  on the back of the chair.

It’s Wine O’Clock Chez Dinahmow. See ya….I shall give some thought to a blogiversary prize. Yes, this lame old thing has been running, albeit in fits and starts, since 2006!


… still in the hat! Haha! You thought I was going to tell you in the opening sentence, did you? You should know me better than that, gang!

I’m going to make you read the whole post first. (once we get these sound bytes sorted you will hear  evil  laughter here mwahaha!)

And, because I can, I’ve decided to have another little mystery pic.

No prizes, but please tell me what you think it is. As Max Boyce says: be specific.

OH, damn! I shouldn’t have mentioned Max! I mean, I’m not unhappy with the World Cup result, but I did have a lot of faith and my past resting on Wales. Ah, well, there’s always next time, isn’t it. Cymru am bydd!

The talk this week is all of cups. The Race That Stops A Nation is tomorrow. Melbourne’s going to be full of private aeroplanes and choppers! Qantas* birds? Not so much!    update, Sunday: Fair Work Australia has decreed that Qantas must get  airborne again. Now!

And cartoonists had some fun with that shamefully over-indulgent talk fest in Perth. I had a bit of cartooning fun myself. No, not putting that on the blog. Mrs Queen might sue me. 🙂 Seriously, isn’t it time the old colonies grew up and just settled for sending Mummy a card on her birthday!

Friday was a painful day Chez Dinahmow. I had some burly chaps with seriously big tools in to remove some trees. Sad to see them go, but they were far too big(and potentially dangerous after losing some limbs in storms) for a small yard.

                                                                                                                          Dangley bits.

                                                                                            One of the “offenders.” 

                                                                                                  The Muncher

The cats, of course, scarpered as soon as they heard the trucks. They did come out of hiding afterwards for a brief sniff around. But, being savvy girls, they didn’t stay long – too many green ants! I had to chuckle at the chap feeding branches into the muncher – he looked like one of those Tyrolean schuehplatterl dancers! By next day, most of the ants had gone. Re-grouped in another tree no doubt.

A friend sent me an amusing email, which I’ve shared with some of you. But damn! it’s too good not to put up here:

I don’t know WHY I didn’t figure this out before !!!!! 
I wash my hair in the shower and the shampoo runs down over my whole body. 
Printed very clearly on the label is the following warning: 

No WONDER I have been gaining weight!!! 
Well, I have gotten rid of that shampoo and I am going to start using Fairy Dish Washing Liquid instead.

Its label reads, 

Problem solved!       If I don’t answer the phone . .. . I’ll be in the shower! 

                            And now (insert drum roll sound)….the winners!

ZIGGI    first out of the hat (which was actually a waste paper basket, but it was quicker to type “hat” and, besides, hats are traditional, right?)

ELEPHANT’S CHILD  drawn second.

I’m delighted ! Ziggi was among my very first readers and we almost know each other. Her daughter and friends visited us  while on their fabulous World Tour. She’s not blogging these days (cut the girl some slack – England didn’t win the Rugby!), but she was a very funny little witch back in the day.UPDATE: Ziggi has revamped her blog here

And I’m happy to see a print go to Elephant’s Child, who has more than most of us on her plate.

Now, if you ladies would like to email me   and tell me your postal addresses I’ll take a packed lunch and join the Post Office queue. Ziggi, being first draw, has first choice.

Thankyou all for playing along. And I’m sorry you couldn’t all win.

* Ever since Warren Mitchell did those adverts, years ago, I’ve always thought of it as “quaint arse.”